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Is season of birth related to disordered eating and personality in women with eating disorders?
Shuman, N. K.; Krug, Isabel; Maxwel, M.; Pinheiro, A. P.; Brewerton, T.; Thornton, L. M.; Berrettini, W. H.; Brandt, H.; Crawford, S.; Crow, S.; Fichter, M. M.; Halmi, Katherine A.; Johnson, C.; Kaplan, A. S.; Keel, P.; Lavia, M.; Mitchell, J.; Rotondo, A.; Strober, M.; Woodside, D. Blake; Kaye, W. H.; Bulik, C. M.
-Anorèxia nerviosa
-Trastorns de la conducta alimentària
-Anorexia nervosa
-Eating disorders
(c) Springer Nature, 2010
Article - Accepted version

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Root, Tammy; Poyastro Pinheiro, Andréa; Thornton, Laura; Strober, Michael; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Brandt, Harry; Crawford, Steve; Fichter, Manfred M.; Halmi, Katherine A.; Johnson, Craig; Kaplan, Allan S; Klump, Kelly L.; Via, Maria La; Mitchell, James; Woodside, D. Blake; Rotondo, Alessandro; Berrettini, Wade H.; Kaye, Walter H.; Bulik, Cynthia M.
Root, Tammy; Poyastro Pinheiro, Andréa; Thornton, Laura; Strober, Michael; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Brandt, Harry; Crawford, Steve; Fichter, Manfred M.; Halmi, Katherine A.; Johnson, Craig; Kaplan, Allan S; Klump, Kelly L.; Via, Maria La; Mitchell, James; Woodside, D. Blake; Rotondo, Alessandro; Berrettini, Wade H.; Kaye, Walter H.; Bulik, Cynthia M.
Bueno, B.; Krug, Isabel; Bulik, C. M.; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Granero, Roser; Thornton, L.; Penelo, Eva; Menchón Magriñá, José Manuel; Sánchez, Isabel; Tinahones, Francisco J.; Fernández Aranda, Fernando
Buxeda i Garrigós, Jaume; Jones, R.E.; Kilikoglou, V.; Levi, S.T.; Maniatis, Y.; Mitchell, J.; Vagnetti, Lucia; Wardle, K.A.; Andreou, S.
Martini, Maria Giulia; Solmi, Francesca; Krug, Isabel; Karwautz, Andreas; Wagner, Gudrun; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Treasure, Janet; Micali, Nadia


