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Tunable and free-form planar optics
Berto, Pascal; Philippet, Laurent; Ossmond, Johann; Liu, Chang François; Afridi, Adeel; Montagut Marques, Marc; Molero Agudo, Bernat; Tessier, Gilles; Quidant, Romain
The advent of spatial control over the phase and amplitude of light waves has profoundly transformed photonics, enabling major advances in fields from imaging and information technology to biomedical optics. Here we propose a method of deterministic phase-front shaping using a planar thermo-optical module and designed microheaters to locally shape the refractive index distribution. When combined with a genetic algorithm optimization, this SmartLens can produce free-form optical wavefront modifications. Individually, or in arrays, it can generate complex functions based on either pure or combined Zernike polynomials, including lenses or aberration correctors of electrically tunable magnitude. This simple and compact concept complements the existing optical shaping toolbox by offering low-chromatic-aberration, polarization-insensitive and transmission-mode components that can readily be integrated into existing optical systems.
Peer Reviewed
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Física
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
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Afridi, Adeel; Canet-Ferrer, Josep; Philippet, Laurent; Osmond, Johann; Berto, Pascal; Quidant, Romain
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