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Recomendaciones de disponibilidad y utilizacion de antídotos en los hospitales según su nivel de complejidad asistencia
Aguilar Salmerón, Raquel; Martínez Sánchez, Lidia; Broto Sumalla, Antoni; Fernández de Gamarra-Martínez, Edurne; García Pelaéz, Milagros; Nogué Xarau, Santiago
The stocking of antidotes in various care settings is a subject of debate. A group of experts in hospital pharmacy and both adult and pediatric clinical toxicology was formed to review the Spanish and international literature on the subject with the aim of updating recommendations about which antidotes to stock and in what amounts in hospitals of different levels of complexity. The experts also considered the usual indications for the use of antidotes and dosing. The amount to have on hand was defined as enough to treat an adult weighing 70 kg for 24 hours (or 3 such adults in an A-level hospital; ie, a highly complex center or the reference hospital for an area). The group also listed 34 antidotes that B-level hospitals should stock and 22 that other types of hospital should stock. The recommendations also provide a guide for using the antidotes in the forms of presentation available in Spain in 2015, a list of their main indications and recommended doses, and specific notes on each.
-Salut pública
-Public health
(c) Saned, 2016
Artículo - Versión publicada

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Aguilar Salmerón, Raquel; Martínez Sánchez, Lidia; Broto Sumalla, Antoni; Fernández de Gamarra-Martínez, Edurne; García Pelaéz, Milagros; Nogué Xarau, Santiago
Martínez Sánchez, Lidia; Trenchs Sainz de la Maza, Victoria; Azkunaga Santibáñez, Beatriz; Nogué Xarau, Santiago; Ferrer Bosch, Nuria; García González, Elsa; Luaces Cubells, Carles
Martínez Sánchez, Lidia; Almario Hernández, A.F.; Escuredo Argullós, Laura; Maçao, P.; Trenchs Sainz de la Maza, Victoria; Luaces Cubells, Carles
March Pujol, Marian; Aguilar Salmerón, Raquel; Amat, Concepció; Cabañas Poy, Ma Josep; Caelles i Franch, Neus; Canela Subirada, Montserrat; Carbonell, C.; Casas Sánchez, Jorge; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Garcia Ariza, Irene; Gascón Lecha, M. Pilar; Giner Boya, Ma. Pilar; Jódar Masanés, Ramón José; Lladonosa, Llorenç; Mangues Bafalluy, Irene; Mas Comas, Ana M.; Masip, Montse; Miró, Antoni (Miró Aspa); Oller Dolcet, Helena; Pla, Ll. (Lluís); Simon Pallisé, Joan; Soy Muner, Dolors; Tribó Alcobé, Gemma; Via Sosa, Ma. de los Ángeles; Zulaica Gallego, Ester
Nogué-Xarau, Santiago; Aguilar Salmerón, Raquel; Grup de Treball Xarxa d’Antídots