Contribucions a congressos


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The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Sant Ignasi (HTSI) of Ramon Llull University, promoted by the Society of Jesus and the ESADE Foundation, promotes teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of hotel management and management of tourism business.

Its mission is to contribute to the scientific, social and humanistic training of professionally competent graduates who are aware of their responsibility to contribute to a humanized development of tourism and hospitality in the context of intercultural dialogue. HTSI is open to the active participation of students through the culture of dialogue and responsibility, the spirit of betterment and the interest for social transformation, within a framework of intercultural coexistence that enables personal and professional development of its student.

The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Sant Ignasi aims to contribute to the transfer of knowledge through research in the field of tourism and hospitality, to collaborate with the sector in its growth and evolution, contributing and sharing this knowledge generated from HTSI .



