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Solar access assessment in dense urban environments: the effect of intersections in an urban canyon
García Nevado, Elena; Pagès Ramon, Anna; Coch Roura, Helena
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. AIEM - Arquitectura, energia i medi ambient
The urban canyon model has been recurrently used as a basis for many solar access studies. However, its conception as endless structures disregards the effect of street intersections, despite being characteristic elements of urban fabrics. This paper aims to evaluate the impact of street discontinuities on solar access over building façades. The potential of crossings to increase the available radiation has been assessed through computer simulations in dense urban environments in a Mediterranean location. For the cases studied, results show that local effects of an intersection almost disappear beyond a speci¿c distance for each aspect ratio, which can be helpful to determine the suitable level of detail for solar analyses at an urban fabric scale.
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Energies::Energia solar tèrmica::Radiació solar
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Arquitectura::Arquitectura sostenible
-Urban morphology -- Mediterranian Region
-Solar radiation -- Mediterranian Region
-City planning -- Environmental aspects -- Mediterranian Region
-Urban morphology
-Solar access
-Direct radiation
-Street intersections
-Mediterranean environment
-Radiació solar -- Mediterrània, Regió
-Morfologia urbana -- Mediterrània, Regió
-Urbanisme -- Aspectes ambientals -- Mediterrània, Regió
Article - Published version

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