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Honesty speaks a second language
Bereby‐Meyer, Yoella; Hayakawa, Sayuri; Shalvi, Shaul; Corey, Joanna Darrow, 1986-; Costa, Albert, 1970-; Keysar, Boaz
-Behavioral economics
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Bereby‐Meyer Y, Hayakawa S, Shalvi S, Corey JD, Costa A, Keysar B. Honesty speaks a second language. Top Cogn Sci. 2018 Jul 1:1-12, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Article - Accepted version

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Hayakawa, Sayuri; Tannenbaum, David; Costa, Albert, 1970-; Corey, Joanna Darrow, 1986-; Keysar, Boaz
Corey, Joanna Darrow, 1986-; Hayakawa, Sayuri; Foucart, Alice; Aparici Aznar, Melina; Botella, Juan; Costa, Albert, 1970-; Keysar, Boaz
Costa, Albert, 1970-; Foucart, Alice; Hayakawa, Sayuri; Aparici Aznar, Melina; Apesteguia, Jose; Heafner, Joy; Keysar, Boaz
Core, Joanna D.; Hayakawa, Sayuri; Foucart, Alice; Aparici Aznar, Melina; Botella, Juan; Costa, Albert; Keysar, Boaz
Costa, Albert; Foucart, Alice; Hayakawa, Sayuri; Aparici Aznar, Melina; Apesteguia, Jose; Heafner, Joy; Keysar, Boaz


