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Creation of an infrastructure of intelligent objects that sensorize the campus classrooms
Odumosu, Azeez Olusegun
Royo Vallés, María Dolores
Over the years, the Internet of Things has been an emerging topic of technical, social and economic significance. It is the interconnection of physical devices with embedded systems to a network to provide the information they gather from the environment through sensors. This project "Creation of infrastructure of intelligent objects that sensorize the campus classrooms" is based on this technology. The objective of this project is to design and implement an Android client application and a server connected to the internet with sensors to consult and help monitoring the physical state of a classroom. To carry out this project, a personal study about the Internet of Things, its data protocols and the necessary development languages for both the Client and Server side were done. The softwares and programming languages involved are the Unity3D game engine, Arduino IDE, C# and C programming languages. In the project an Arduino has been used as a server to get the sensors reading of the physical state of the classrooms, the client was designed and programmed using the Unity3D game engine and C# as the scripting language. The result obtained with the design and the implementation of both the client and server is present to the user of the application with an attractive, simple user interface to interact with the end sensors and visualise their response about the physical state of the class.
-Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria electrònica
-Arduino (Programmable controller)
-Protocol de comunicació Coap
-Protocol http
-Arduino (Controlador programable)
Bachelor Thesis
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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