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Evaluating the impact of filming on the number of errors committed by nursing students to determine the efficacy of simulated clinical situations
Sansalvador Comas, Carme; Faro i Basco, Montserrat; Isern, Olga; Casas Baroy, Joan Carles; Tió Faro, Maria
Universitat de Vic. Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i el Benestar
Clinic simulation as a training and knowledge method allows people experiment a real event representation with the aim of acquiring knowledge, abilities and aptitudes. The filming of the staging represents a useful tool to review the decisions taken and the actions they did, with the purpose to highlight the strengths, weaknesses and the areas for improvement. The article describes a study carried out by a group of students in second course of nursing, and it tries to evaluate if there is any influence if somebody is filming you during the clinic simulation, does it make you do more errors or not?
-Infermeria -- Ensenyament universitari -- Metodologia
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