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Gendering Positive Peace: A Feminist Approach for the Cases of Mexico and Turkey within the Positive Peace Index
Jou Fuster, Paula
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
Peace research has often left aside the inclusion of an extensive gender-sensitive approach that goes beyond the consideration of gender-based violence. However, feminist analysts have been proposing a wide range of topics and concepts to introduce into the study of this field for a long period of time. This project aims to grasp some of these materials to discuss the conformation of 4 pillars of analysis within the Positive Peace Index. Through the introduction of a gender-inclusive approach that analyses political, social and economic structures under selected indicators, this paper brings to the table information of significant relevance for peace research. The approach develops through the analysis of two case studies, Mexico and Turkey, and establishes a comparison between them through a gender-based analysis that goes from public to private spheres and sheds light on the concept of the Gendered Continuum of Violence.
TFG del Grau en Relacions Internacionals tutoritzat per Mariona Lloret Rodà
Relacions internacionals
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49 p.
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