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Injury incidence and relationship between screening tools and performance tests in high level youth female volleyball players: An observational study
Åxman, Sebastian
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna
Introduction: Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world yet thereis limited knowledge about the risk factors for iinjury, especially for high level female youth volleyball. The purpose of this study is to investigate the injury incidence and the correlation between demography, screening tools and risk of injury. Methods: An observational study with high level female youth volleyball players aged 16-19 and uninjured at the time of participation from one club Barça Femení CVB Júvenil A with the main variable being if the players were injured in the 2019/20 season. Injury data were collected retrospectively through a questionnaire, whereas demography and test scores were collected prospectively with guidance of a written explanation and graphic illustration of the correct procedure to each participant to be performed from home during COVID19 isolation. The tests include: Weight-Bearing Lunge Test, Single Leg Hop for Distance, Counter Movement Jump with and without arm swing, Apley Scratch Test. Results: Two injuries occurred in the 2019/20 season and were found to be significantly correlated with age and Single Leg Hop Test for Distance, whereas previous injuries were found to be significantly correlated with Counter Movement Jumps with and without arm swing. Conclusion: A larger sample size over a prospective period is needed to validate the findings in this study.However, the descriptive data as well as the methodology in this study may be valuable to future studies for comparison and incentive to initiate further research on the topic.
TFM del Màster Màster Universitari en Fisioteràpia dels Esports d'Equip tutoritzat per Miriam Elisa Guerra Balic
616.7 - Patologia dels òrgans de la locomoció. Sistema locomotor i esquelètic
79 - Diversions. Espectacles. Cinema. Teatre. Dansa. Jocs. Esports
Voleibol -- TFM
Dones esportistes -- TFM
Jugadores de voleibol -- Revisions mèdiques -- TFM
Jugadores de voleibol -- Ferides i lesions -- TFM
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