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Online volunteers : knowledge managers in nonprofits
Peña López, Ismael
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. eGovernance: electronic administration and democracy (GADE)
-Internet -- Social aspects
-Non-governmental organizations
-Nonprofit organizations
-Internet -- Aspectes socials
-Organitzacions no governamentals
-Entitats sense ànim de lucre
-Internet -- Aspectos sociales
-Organizaciones no gubernamentales
-Entidades sin ánimo de lucro

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García González, Iolanda; Peña López, Ismael; Johnson, Larry; Smith, Rachel; Levine, Alan; Haywood, Keene
García González, Iolanda; Peña López, Ismael; Johnson, Larry; Smith, Rachel; Levine, Alan; Haywood, Keene
García González, Iolanda; Peña López, Ismael; Johnson, Larry; Smith, Rachel; Levine, Alan; Haywood, Keene
García González, Iolanda; Peña López, Ismael; Johnson, Larry; Smith, Rachel; Levine, Alan; Haywood, Keene


