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Design and validation of a measurement scale of intergenerational family solidarity
Cavallotti Oldani, Rita; Grau-Grau, Marc; Marimon Viadiu, Frederic; Gas Aixendri, Montserrat
This paper aims to develop a multidimensional scale to measure intergenerational family solidarity (IFS) to assess its psychometric properties and to examine the invariance of the instrument across gender. In order to do that, we initially developed a scale with six dimensions. Using the theoretical framework of Bengtson and his colleagues (1991), we measured five out of the six conceptual dimensions of the IFS, together with a new one developed by us and called systematic solidarity. Furthermore, items about partner are introduced in the questionnaire. Using a sample of 201 valid questionnaires, different analyses were conducted to validate the new scale. The definitive scale proposed to measure IFS was composed by four dimensions: normative solidarity and three affectual solidarities (related to parents, partner, and children). Finally, we provide evidences of the consistency of this scale across gender differences.
-Relacions intergeneracionals
-Intergenerational relations
-Relaciones intergeneracionales
-Escales multidimensionals
-Multidimensional scaling
-Diferències entre sexes
-Sex differences
-Diferencias entre los sexos
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Article - Accepted version
Cises Srl

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