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Mobile Robot Self-Localization with 2D Push-Broom LIDAR in a 2D Map
Palacín Roca, Jordi; Martínez, David; Rubies, Elena; Clotet Bellmunt, Eduard
: This paper proposes mobile robot self-localization based on an onboard 2D push-broom (or tilted-down) LIDAR using a reference 2D map previously obtained with a 2D horizontal LIDAR. The hypothesis of this paper is that a 2D reference map created with a 2D horizontal LIDAR mounted on a mobile robot or in another mobile device can be used by another mobile robot to locate its location using the same 2D LIDAR tilted-down. The motivation to tilt-down a 2D LIDAR is the direct detection of holes or small objects placed on the ground that remain undetected for a fixed horizontal 2D LIDAR. The experimental evaluation of this hypothesis has demonstrated that self-localization with a 2D push-broom LIDAR is possible by detecting and deleting the ground and ceiling points from the scan data, and projecting the remaining scan points in the horizontal plane of the 2D reference map before applying a 2D self-location algorithm. Therefore, an onboard 2D push-broom LIDAR offers self-location and accurate ground supervision without requiring an additional motorized device to change the tilt of the LIDAR in order to get these two combined characteristics in a mobile robot. This research was partially funded by the University of Lleida: UdL-Impuls grant number 012
-2D push-broom LIDAR
-Tilted-down 2D LIDAR
-Mobile robot self-location
cc-by (c) Palacín et al., 2020
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