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Managing an online survey about influenza vaccination in primary healthcare workers
Toledo, Diana; Aerny, Nicole; Soldevila, Núria; Baricot, Maretva; Godoy i García, Pere; Castilla, Jesús; García-Gutiérrez, Susana; Torner Gràcia, Núria; Astray, Jenaro; Mayoral, José María; Tamames, Sonia; González-Candelas, Fernando; Martín, Vicente; Díaz, José; Domínguez García, Àngela
CIBERESP Working Group for the Survey on Influenza Vaccination in Primary Health Care Workers
Online surveys are increasingly used due to their speed and efficiency. The aim of this study was to analyze factors that may have contributed to the quality and speed of response of an online survey on influenza vaccination in primary healthcare workers. A multicenter study including family physicians, nurses and pediatricians from primary healthcare teams from seven Spanish Autonomous Communities was designed. The centers were selected by simple random sampling. The survey remained active and accessible for 56 days and four reminders were sent. The odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to assess the association of sociodemographic variables and responding to the survey before the second reminder. Complete, validated information was obtained from 1965 primary healthcare workers. The total response rate was 36.2%. More nurses (46.3%) responded before the second reminder and more family physicians (52.8%) after the second reminder. The adjusted OR shows that family physicians responded later (AOR 1.46, 95% CI 1.2-1.8) than nurses. The responses obtained in the first 24 h after the initial sending and the reminders accounted for 41.7% of the completed surveys, indicating the importance of reminders. This study was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Institute of Health Carlos III (Grant GR09/0030), and the Catalan Agency for the Management of Grants for University Research (AGAUR Grant number 2014/SGR 1403).
-Online survey
-Primary healthcare workers
-Research design
-Data collection
cc-by (c) Toledo, Diana et al., 2015

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