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La disponibiblitat i l'ús de joguines per a infants amb necessitats educatives especials. Les joguines adaptades
Garcia Folguera, Maria
Curs 2014-2015 Les joguines adaptades són aquelles que utilitzen els nens amb Necessitats Educatives Especials (NEE) degut a les seves limitacions, tan motrius com cognitives, que permeten que l’infant pugui gaudir i aprendre jugant. Tanmateix, es troba poca informació sobre quines són les joguines més adequades pels infants amb NEE i l’existència d’aquest recurs adaptat a la societat. Aquesta investigació consisteix en conèixer millor la seva utilització en l’actualitat dins les escoles i a les llars, com també el seu paper i accessibilitat dins del mercat. Mitjançant entrevistes a mares, mestres i una especialista del sector de la joguina, es posa de manifest la necessitat d’informació sobre l’existència i l’ús d’aquestes joguines adaptades, així com les dificultats a l’hora de trobar-ne. Alhora, quan s’analitza el paper de les empreses que fabriquen i proporcionen joguines al mercat, s’observa que les joguines adaptades conformen una minoria molt poc significativa dins del sector. D’aquesta recerca, sorgeixen noves preguntes, com per exemple, quina seria la utilització d’aquest recurs a altres països, o si canviarien les dades obtingudes, si ens centréssim en joguines adaptades a una dificultat motora o cognitiva en concret. The adapted toys, are those being used by children with special educational needs, due to their motor or cognitive limitations, that allow the child to enjoy and to learn while playing. However, there is very few information about what the most appropriate toys for children with SEN are, and about the existence of this adapted resource, towards society. This research consists on getting into know better their current use inside schools and homes, as well as to find out what is the role these toys play and their accessibility regarding the market. Through interviewing mothers, teachers, and one specialist in the toy sector, it is underlined how much information about the existence and use of these adapted toys is needed. It also shows the difficulties in finding adapted toys. In addition, when analysing the role that companies that produce and supply toys play in the market, it can be seen that adapted toys are a very least significant minor part of the toy’s sector. From this research, they come up new questions as, for instance, what the use of this resource would be like in other countries, or if the obtained data items would change, if the focus of the investigation was about adapted toys for children with a specific motor or cognitive difficulty.
-Infants discapacitats
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Bachelor Thesis

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