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Dynamic thermal performance of alveolar brick construction system
Gracia Cuesta, Alvaro de; Castell, Albert; Medrano Martorell, Marc; Cabeza, Luisa F.
Alveolar bricks are being introduced in building sector due to the simplicity of their construction system and to the elimination of the insulation material. Nevertheless, it is not clear if this new system is energetically efficient and which is its thermal behaviour. This paper presents an experimental and theoretical study to evaluate the thermal behaviour of the alveolar brick construction system, compared with a traditional Mediterranean brick system with insulation. The experimental study consists of measuring the thermal performance of four real house-like cubicles. The thermal transmittance in steady-state, also known as U-value, is calculated theoretically and experimentally for each cubicle, presenting the insulated cubicles as the best construction system, with differences around 45% in comparison to the alveolar one. On the other hand, experimental results show significantly smaller differences on the energy consumption between the alveolar and insulated construction systems during summer period (around 13% higher for the alveolar cubicle). These values demonstrate the high thermal efficiency of the alveolar system. In addition, the lack of agreement between the measured energy consumption and the calculated U-values, guides the authors to analyze the thermal inertia of the different building components. Therefore, several transient parameters, extracted from the heat transfer matrix and from experimental data, are also evaluated. It can be concluded that the alveolar brick construction system presents higher thermal inertia than the insulated one, justifying the low measured energy consumption. The work was partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2008-06687-C02-01/CON) and the European Union (COST Action COST TU0802), in collaboration with the companies Synthesia, Honeywell, Gremi de Rajolers, Hispalyt, Prefabricats Lacoma, Cerámicas Sampedro, and Cityhall of Puigverd de Lleida. The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2009 SGR 534).
-Alveolar bricks
-Insulation materials
(c) Elsevier, 2011

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