Matemàtiques i Informàtica


Publications in public/open access derived from the research activities of faculty members at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Recent Submissions

Radeva, Petia; Bolaños Solà, Marc; Soriano Oliú, Juan Luis; Aguilar, Eduardo
Canela Sánchez, Jordi; Fagella Rabionet, Núria; Garijo Real, Antonio
Carandell, Jeroni; Garrido Ostermann, Lluís; Igual Muñoz, Laura
Granollers i Saltiveri, Toni; Ribera, Mireia; Coiduras Rodríguez, Jordi L.
Remeseiro López, Beatriz; Penas, M.; Mosquera, A.; Novo, J.; Penedo, M.G.; Yebra-Pimentel, Eva

All the research contents at RECERCAT from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) are obtained from the research collections at its institutional repository Diposit Digital de la UB.
If you are a member of the UB and you are interested in publishing research contents here please contact or read the instructions.

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