Comunicacions a congressos (Psicologia Clínica i Psicobiologia)


Publications in public/open access derived from the research activities of faculty members at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Recent Submissions

Sánchez González, S.; Blanch Andreu, Jordi; Carbonell Bardera, Lourdes; Cuffí i Chéliz, Maria Laura; Delás, Jordi; Fernández, Alex (Fernández Solanas); Fernández Dueñas, Víctor; Penzo, Wilma
Feixas i Viaplana, Guillem; Montesano del Campo, Adrián; Compañ, Victoria; Salla, Marta; Hornos, Camila; Trujillo, Adriana; Aguilera, María del Carmen
Fusté Escolano, Adela; Ruiz Rodríguez, José; Santamaría, P.; Cardenal, V.; Sánchez-López, P.

All the research contents at RECERCAT from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) are obtained from the research collections at its institutional repository Diposit Digital de la UB.
If you are a member of the UB and you are interested in publishing research contents here please contact or read the instructions.

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